Tuesday, February 05, 2008

I Voted...I Think

First time California voter. Despite registering in time, they didn't have me on the official list. Got a provisional ballot, with a phone number to call in a month and see if my ballot was counted.

Heavy turnout, according to the poll workers. I was first in line at 7am :)

The provisional ballot guy looked at me and said "Democrat?" I wonder how he knew. Maybe from the big smile on my face.


photo by finn


Elliott said...


Prairie Sunshine said...

I cauc-ed. A torrent of people streaming into the Ramada where caucuses were held today. Dems had six hours open, Rethugs only 1 and a half. Dems swarming with people. Yay us!

Now back to my wintercold....

Susan McIntosh Lewis said...

The big story today is TURNOUT. People are excited about the possibility of making things happen.